Immigrant Resources


The RAFIO team will conduct a zoom workshop or show an informative video on various low-cost resources available to immigrant communities, such as the following: -Shelters -Social service centres -Ottawa housing -Food banks -Community [...]

English Conversation Group

Ottawa Public Library - Various Locations

Offered in different locations English Conversation Circle -  Learn and practice new English language skills and meet new people in a relaxed and friendly environment. Offered in partnership with the Catholic Centre for Immigrants [...]

City of Ottawa Welcoming Ottawa Week

Ottawa City Hall (Jean Pigot Hall) 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa

Come learn more about the City of Ottawa! We will be providing information about the City and the services our departments offer. We will also have a job coaching corner so bring your resume [...]

Ottawa Police Diversity Celebration

474, rue Elgin (entrée principale) Ottawa

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is thrilled to announce its annual Diversity Celebration on Friday, June 27th, 2024, running from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 474 Elgin Street (Front entrance). This event aligns [...]

NYLD Health and Fitness Evening

Taggart Family Y - Gymnasium 180 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa

Join the Y’s Newcomer Youth Leadership Development (NYLD) program and Health, Fitness and Aquatics department for an evening of fun games, activities and prizes! Plus take a chance to test your nutrition knowledge for [...]

International potluck

Atelier d'innovation sociale Mauril Belanger 95 Clegg St, Ottawa

This event is an international potluck where people are invited to bring the foods from their native lands. This is an opportunity for people to show off their own culture and explore the diverse [...]

Multicultural Potluck on Mill Street

Mill Street, Almonte

The Mississippi Mills Inclusion Project, Mississippi Mills Bicycle Months, and the Municipality of Mississippi Mills invite you to the MULTICULTURAL POTLUCK ON MILL STREET! Bring along a family recipe, a signature cultural dish or [...]

Family Storytime

Ottawa Public Library - Hazeldean Branch 50 Castlefrank, Ottawa

Stories, rhymes and songs for children of all ages and a parent or caregiver. 30 min. Drop-in

Introduction to Canadian entrepreneurship

95, rue Clegg, 95 Rue Clegg, Ottawa

This workshop is designed to give participants the essential tools to succeed in the business community. Participants will explore the basics of starting a new business, product and services development, and growth strategies. They [...]

Workshop: open-hearted young people

Heartwood House 404 McArthur Ave, Ottawa

This workshop takes place in the form of a discussion. The workshop is intended for young people. It seeks to understand young people and their visions. The focus will be on young people and [...]