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WOW 2024 Dates

We are pleased to announce that Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) 2024 will take place from June 17 – 30 across Ottawa and Lanark-Renfrew counties.  Welcoming Ottawa Week is an annual series of free fun events designed to convey the genuine welcome and hospitality of Ottawa residents to newcomers. WOW also includes the Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors Award which recognizes residents who beyond and above to make newcomers feel welcome in their integration journey.  Stay tuned for the call for events and call for nominations. 

Meet the 2023 Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors

Seven Ottawa residents were presented with the Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors Award at the WOW launch breakfast reception co-hosted by OLIP and Mayor Mark Sutcliffe on June 19, 2023. Discover how these kind Ottawans’ contributions to making our city more inclusive and welcoming to newcomers.