Community Engagement

Latest Past Events

Workshop: open-hearted young people

Heartwood House 404 McArthur Ave, Ottawa

This workshop takes place in the form of a discussion. The workshop is intended for young people. It seeks to understand young people and their visions. The focus will be on young people and [...]

Introduction to Canadian entrepreneurship

95, rue Clegg, 95 Rue Clegg, Ottawa

This workshop is designed to give participants the essential tools to succeed in the business community. Participants will explore the basics of starting a new business, product and services development, and growth strategies. They [...]

International potluck

Atelier d'innovation sociale Mauril Belanger 95 Clegg St, Ottawa

This event is an international potluck where people are invited to bring the foods from their native lands. This is an opportunity for people to show off their own culture and explore the diverse [...]